woensdag 5 maart 2025

Aan president trump


To the president of Amerika : Donald Trump

I know that your job is very difficult and your goal is MAGA.

But, we in the Netherland and other European countries do not see any changes in our situation.

A lot of talking about oekraine and the cabal People only talks about help for Oekraïne. The elite in europe ( =cabal people) have financial (plus a lot of other things) interests in Oekraïne.

The patriots in Europe knows what is going on in Oekraïne ( money lloandry, Child molesting, biolabs , etcetera..

Even in Germany is the gouvernement still pro cabal.

My question to you is:

Is it possible to put more pressure to the gouvernements of europe so the prices of al our life needs go down . For a lot of people are hardly capable to pay their Bills.

I wish you a very strong leaderschip.




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